


The Christ Church library supports the spiritual development of our congregation.

Our collection includes discussions of current church issues, commentaries on books of the Bible, writings by popular Christian authors, and meditations for special occasions and situations.

  • Borrowing Books: Books can be checked out using the sign-out sheets available in the Ross Room. During special library promotions, selected books from the library will be available in the back of the church for browsing and borrowing after worship. The borrowing period is one month.

  • Returning Books: Books can be returned to the church office. Look for the blue return tubs.

  • Donating Books: Donations are always welcome! Please place donations in the red book donation tubs. Preferred donations include unmarked books on spiritual topics. Any books not added to the collection will be handled as appropriate. Books that are in good condition will be sent to Better World Books for resale or donated to local libraries. Christ Church will receive 15% of the sale price of books redistributed by Better World Books; a portion of the remaining proceeds support literacy initiatives.

  • Adopt-a-Book Program: The Christ Church library has no set budget and operates on donations. If you want to help fund additions to the collection, we accept donations in any amount. Donors can adopt specific books on the library’s wish list or donate to the general library fund. Special bookplates can be created noting the donor’s name.

  • How Can I Help? The library needs volunteers to help promote the library on Sunday mornings and manage the collection and catalog. If you’d be willing to lend a hand, please talk to Penny Gordon.

If you have questions or would like to discuss the library in greater detail please email the library at
